Monday, January 6, 2014


Barack 'let' Michelle stay in Hawaii as an 'early 50th birthday gift' so she could stay at Oprah's lil Maui place with Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder's wife - Sharon Malone, and Oprah's lady love interest, Gayle King.  Haven't seen how long this little gathering of semi-lesbians will last.

What I HAVE HEARD, is that when it's time to come home.... an EMPTY Air Force jet plane will fly to Hawaii to collect the queen and two of the ladies-in-waiting (I'm assuming O and Gayle will stay behind) at a cost of only $800K to the American taxpayers.  That's just shy of a million dollars for you non-math majors.

Did anyone notice that Obama's first press comments upon HIS return from a 17-day holiday at our expense, had to do with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer?

What a flaming piece of shit he is!  The man is such a mega-egomaniac - HE SEES NO DICHOTOMY BETWEEN THIS BEHAVIOR AND HIS WORDS!

1 comment:

  1. Just think we have three more years of this B.S.


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